NO-M1 BINDER, Pre Production Material, “suggested reference to indicate look and mood for the picture”, Alex Thomson D.O.P
NO-M2a M2b M2c STORYBOARD IMAGES, xeroxes, pre-production material, for the “Lighter Sequence”; larger images for same sequence
NO-M3a M3b M3c M3d COLOUR DRAWINGS, xeroxes, pre-production material, exterior of mine, interior of mine, town surrounded by mountains. Also atmospheric colour photo
NO-M4 NOTES from James Fox over problems during Nostromo pre-production, 3 pgs, April 12 2005
NO-M5 WEB PAGE,, NOSTROMO, notes by Janet Moat, March 2007
NO-M6 WEB PAGE,, database search results
NO-M7 E-MAIL from Stefan Andersson to Kevin Brownlow re Nostromo casting, September 9 2008
NO-M8 PROMOTION for documentary “Nostromo: David Lean’s Impossible Dream”, for TCM, 16 pgs, xerox
NO-M9. POSTER IMAGE by commercial artist Fernando Reza
NO-M10. POSTER IMAGE for “Nostromo: El Sueno Imposible De David Lean”, TCM