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DL-B1 THE MARCH OF THE MOVIES, Harry Towers and Leslie Mitchell, Sampson, Low, Marston Co., 1947.

DL-B2 TWENTY YEARS OF BRITISH FILM 19251945, Falcon Press, 1947.

DL-B3 WORKING FOR THE FILMS, Oswell Blakeston, The Focal Press, 1947.

DL-B4 ANATOMY OF THE FILM, H.H.Wollenberg, Marsland Publications, 1947, article “The Film Director” by David Lean

DL-B5 PROGRESS OF BRITISH FILMS, Part 1, McKenzie, Vincent & Co., 1947; bios of David Lean, Anthony Havelock-Allan and Ronald Neame; articles on THIS HAPPY BREED and BRIEF ENCOUNTER

DL-B6 FILM: BOOK 1, ed. Robert Hughes, Grove Press, 1959. – David Lean replies to questionnaire

DL-B7 WHERE WE CAME IN, Charles Oakley, George Allan & Unwin, 1964

DL-B8 INTERVIEWS WITH FILM DIRECTORS, Andrew Sarris, Bobbs-Merrill, 1967. – interview of David Lean by Gerald Pratley

DL-B9 FILM MAKERS ON FILM MAKING, ed. Harry Geduld, “The Film Maker and the Audience” (see also DLB6), Indiana University Press, 1970.

DL-B10 A MIRROR FOR ENGLAND, Raymond Durgnat, Faber and Faber, 1970.

DL-B11 THE MOVIE MAKERS, Gene D. Phillips, NelsonHall, 1973, article on David Lean

DL-B12. THE CINEMA OF DAVID LEAN, Gerald Pratley, Barnes/Tantivy, 1974, signed by the author

DL-B13 DAVID LEAN AND HIS FILMS, Alain Silver and James Ursini, Leslie Frewin, 1974. (see also DL-B29)

DL-B14 MAGIC MOMENTS FROM THE MOVIES, Elwy Yost, Doubleday Canada, 1978, signed by the author, discusses Brief Encounter, Great Expectations, Hobson’s Choice, The Bridge On The River Kwai, Lawrence Of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago

DL-B15 CHARMED LIVES, Michael Korda, Random House, 1979.

DL-B16 DAVID LEAN: A GUIDE TO REFERENCES AND SOURCES, Louis P. Castelli with Caryn Lynn Cleeland, G.K. Hall, 1980.

DL-B17 MOVIES OF THE FORTIES, Ann Lloyd, Orbis Publishing, 1982. article on David Lean

DL-B18 DAVID LEAN, Michael A. Anderegg, Twayne Pub., 1984.

DL-B19 MACMILLAN DICTIONARY OF FILM AND FILMMAKERS, London, 1984, article on David Lean by Charles Affron, xerox extract

DL-B20 A NIGHT AT THE PICTURES, Gilbert Adair and Nick Roddick, Columbus Books, 1985. article on David Lean

DL-B21 GREAT MOVIE DIRECTORS, Ted Sennett, Abrams, 1986, article on David Lean

DL-B22 A LIFE IN MOVIES, Michael Powell, Heinemann, 1987.

DL-B23 BEST OF BRITISH, Maureen Sellar, Sphere Books, 1987, a celebration of Rank Film Classics

DL-B24 DAVID LEAN, Mario Sesti, 1988, Italy

DL-B25a  DL-B25b DAVID LEAN, Stephen M. Silverman, Abrams, 1989 (2) (see also DL-B30) 

DL-B26 DL-B26b  DAVID LEAN, Stephen M Silverman, Andre Deutsch, 1989 (2)

DL-B27 ARTISTS IN CAMERA, Roy Jones, Prion, 1989. – portrait of David Lean

DL-B28 ICONS: INTIMATE PORTRAITS, Denise Worrell, Atlantic Monthly Press,1989, article on David Lean

DL-B29 DAVID LEAN AND HIS FILMS, Alain Silver and James Ursini, SilmanJames Press, 1991. update of the 1974 edition (DL-B13), soft cover

DL-B30 DAVID LEAN, Stephen Silverman, Abrams, Inc., 1992. softcover, updated edition (2)(see DL-B25)

DL-B31 REX INGRAM, Liam O’Leary, BFI Publishing, 1993.

DL-B32 DAVID LEAN, Ramon Moreno Cantero, Ediciones Catedra, 1993, Spain

DL-B33 ON LOCATION – THE FILM FAN’S GUIDE TO BRITAIN AND IRELAND, Brian Pendreigh, Mainstream Pub. 1995. – Discusses film locations for: Great Expectations, Brief Encounter, Lawrence of Arabia, and Ryan’s Daughter.

DL-B34 DAVID LEAN, Ulises Inguez Mendoza, Universidad de Guadalajara, 1995

DL-B35 DAVID LEAN: IN LOVE WITH FILM (unedited manuscript) by Kevin Brownlow. (2 copies)

DL-B36 DAVID LEAN, Kevin Brownlow, Richard Cohen Books, 1996, signed by the author

DL-B37 DAVID LEAN, Kevin Brownlow, St.Martin’s Press, 1996

DL-B38 DAVID LEAN, Kevin Brownlow, Faber and Faber, 1997, Paperback (see also DL-B50)

DL-B39 DAVID LEAN, Kevin Brownlow, St.Martin’s Press, 1997, paperback

DL-B40 VARIETY INTERNATIONAL FILM GUIDE, 1997; ed Peter Cowie, ad for Brownlow book, book review, xerox

DL-B41 DAVID LEAN, Howard Maxford, Batsford, 2000

DL-B42 DAVID LEAN: La Emocion Y El Espectaculo, Tomas Fernandez Valenti, Dirigido, 2000, Spain

DL-B43 DAVID LEAN: AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT, Sandra Lean with Barry Chattington, Universe, 2001 (2)

DL-B44 DAVID LEAN: AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT, Sandra Lean with Barry Chattington, Andre Deutsch, softcover, 2001

DL-B45 DAVID LEAN: UN PORTRAIT INTIME, Sandra Lean with Barry Chattington, Editions Airelles, 2003, France

DL-B46 DAVID LEAN: UNE VIE DE CINEMA, Kevin Brownlow, Cinemateque Francaise, 2003, France (see DL-B36)

DL-B47 THE ART OF DAVID LEAN: A Textual Analysis Of Audio-Visual Structure, Catherine Moraitis, Author House, 2004

DL-B48 BEYOND THE EPIC: THE LIFE AND FILMS OF DAVID LEAN, Gene D. Phillips, Kentucky Press, 2006 (2)

DL-B49 DAVID LEAN: COLORE E POLVERE, Bergamo Film Meeting, Emanuela Martini, 2006

DL-B50 DAVID LEAN, Kevin Brownlow, Faber and Faber, paperback, 2008, signed by the author

DL-B51 FILM-KONZEPTE 10: DAVID LEAN, Thomas Koebner, Fabienne Liptay, 2008, Germany

DL-B52 DAVID LEAN, Jesus Angulo, Roberto Cueto, Antonio Santamarina, Coleccion Nosferatu, 2008, Spain

DL-B53 DAVID LEAN: INTERVIEWS, edited by Steve Organ, University Press of Mississippi, 2009

DL-B54 THE EPIC FILMS OF DAVID LEAN, Constatine Santas, Scarecrow Press, 2012

DL-B55 DAVID LEAN, Melanie Williams, Manchester University Press, 2014

DL-B56 DAVID LEAN: El Poeta Del Horizonte Inalcanzable, Juan Carlos Fauvety, T&B Editores, prologue by Kevin Brownlow, 2015, Spain

DL-B57 IL CINEMA DI DAVID LEAN, Daniele Erreda and Livio Ricciardelli, Edizioni Efesto, Italy, 2018

DL-B58 ALIENTAT UND ALTERITAT: Raumkonzepte In Den Filmen David Leans, Sarah Brauckmann, Schuren, 2021, Germany


DL-B60 DAVID LEAN; Film Studies Notebook, George Argyll,  2022