LA-A273. FILM CRITICISM, Fall 1990; “Leaning Toward The Past: Pressure of Vision and Narrative in LAWRENCE OF ARABIA” by Luciana Bonne
LA-A274 GLOBE AND MAIL, September 23 1990; review, xerox
LA-A275 DOMENICA, April 28 1991; TV review
LA-A276 DER SPIEGEL, June 1991; “Freheit In Den Sternien”
LA-A423. DICINE, July 1991; cover
LA-A277 THE BIG REEL, August 1991; article by John Cooper
LA-A278 LOS ANGELES TIMES/CALENDAR, October 27 1991; “LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, the OneHorse Sequel” by David Gritten
LA-A280. D – THE DOUBLEDAY MAGAZINE FOR BOOK LOVERS, Vol. 1, issue 3, October-January 1993; back cover ad for Morris/Raskin book
LA-A281 BEACH METRO NEWS, November 17 1992; article on Lawrie Raskin
LA-A282 THE TORONTO STAR, November 28 1992; review of Morris/Raskin book
LA-A283 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS, December 10 1992; interview with Morris/Raskin
LA-A284 MARQUEE, November 1992; article by Ron Base
LA-A285 NEWSWEEK, December 7 1992; Morris/Raskin book as gift suggestion
LA-A286 NOW, December 1992; video review
LA-A287 EYE, December 17 1992; review of Morris/Raskin book
LA-A288 MARQUEE, December 1992; review of Morris/Raskin book by Ron Base
LA-A289 THE MOVIES, December 1992; ad for Morris/Raskin book
LA-A290 GLOBE AND MAIL, January 1993; review of Morris/Raskin book by Gerald Pratley
LA-A291 T.E.NOTES, January 1993; review of Morris/Raskin book
LA-A292 VIDEO REVIEW, February-March 1993; review of 30th anniversary video re-release by Andrew Sarris
LA-A293 THE SUNDAY SUN/SHOWCASE, March 21 1993; “LAWRENCE of Canada”
LA-A294 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, March 1993; review of Morris/Raskin book
LA-A295. LIFE, April 1993; color still, O’Toole as LAWRENCE
LA-A296 UNKNOWN, April 2 1993; Italian article
LA-A297 WIDESCREEN REVIEW, May-June 1993; Runco ad with Lawrence Of Arabia on screen
LA-A298 T.E.NOTES, June 1993; review of 30th anniversary video re-release
LA-A299 FILMS IN REVIEW, August 1993; review of Morris/Raskin LAWRENCE OF ARABIA
LA-A300 T.E. NOTES, September 1993; “The Man, The Myth, The Movie” article by Michael Anderegg
LA-A301 T.E. NOTES, September 1993; “The Stature of Lawrence of Arabia” by Peter Herman
LA-A302 FILM COMMENT, September-October 1993; letter by Robert Harris
LA-A303 GIOIA, n.d.; “L’Uomo Di Due Volti LAWRENCE il Magnifico”
LA-A304 T.E.NOTES, November 1993; “A.W.Lawrence on Lawrence of Arabia”
LA-A305 UNKNOWN, n.d. ; article; “Il Vecchio Leone S’eLCalmato”, Italy
LA-A306 ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, March 1994; stills
LA-A307 T.E.NOTES, May 1994; “Beyond Evaluation: David Lean’s LAWRENCE OF ARABIA”; by Robert Hawkins
LA-A308 KINEMA, Spring 1994; “The Mysterious Origins of LAWRENCE OF ARABIA” by Ron Paquet
LA-A309 WIDESCREEN REVIEW, June-July 1994; review of Columbia laserdisc
LA-A310 T.E. NOTES, September 1994; Article by Ron Paquet
LA-A311 SIGHT AND SOUND, November 1994; ad for Adrian Turner book, xerox
LA-A312 CINEASTE, Vol.XX no.4, 1994; editorial on blacklisted writers
LA-A313 CINEASTE, Vol.XX no.4, 1994; “Who wrote Lawrence of Arabia” by Joel Hodson
LA-A314 T.E.NOTES, December 1994; letters from Henry Williamson to David Lean
LA-A315 VARIETY, January 9-15 1995; producers pick all-time faves, xerox
LA-A316 T.E.NOTES, March 1995; review of Adrian Turner book
LA-A317 THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 14 1995; “Credit at last for Lawrence of Arabia”, xerox
LA-A318 THE TIMES, September 15 1995; “Blacklisted writer gets Lawrence film credit”
LA-A319 MOVIE COLLECTORS WORLD, October 1995; ad for Christie’s auction featuring Peter O’Toole’s Lawrence costume
LA-A320 CINEASTE, Vol XXI no.4, 1995; article on Michael Wilson by Gary Crowdus, xerox
LA-A321 CINEASTE, Vol XXI no.4, 1995; “Lawrence of Arabia: elements and facets of the theme” by Michael Wilson, xerox
LA-A322 CINEASTE, Vol XXI no.4, 1995; “Apologia” by Robert Bolt, xerox
LA-A323 INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY, January 21 1996; article by Quentin Curtis
LA-A324 CLASSIC IMAGES, February 1996; review of Joel Hodson’s “Lawrence of Arabia and American Culture”
LA-A325 THE GLOBE AND MAIL, June 1 1996; “Lawrence of Arabia shines like a jewel in the cinematic desert”, article by Don Irvine
LA-A326 THE GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE, October 1996; interview with Eddie Fowlie re locations, xerox
LA-A327 T.E.NOTES, Vol VII, no.4, Winter 1996; review of FILMING T.E. LAWRENCE: KORDA’S LAST EPIC
LA-A328 CSC NEWS, February 1997; article on Christopher Rowley’s docudrama “Lawrence of Arabia”
LA-A329 GOOD BOOK GUIDE, March 1997; Kevin Brownlow reviews Lawrence of Arabia
LA-A330 GOOD BOOK GUIDE, April 1997; video review
LA-A331 THE INDEPENDENT, 1997; ad for video, see also BK-A96
LA-A332 VILLAGE VOICE, September 9 1997; “Reappraising David Lean on the Big Screen” by Michael Atkinson
LA-A333 THE GLOBE AND MAIL, January 17 1998; photo front page
LA-A334. ENTERTAINMENT, July 10 1998; AFI 100 best films, #5 Lawrence of Arabia, photo pg 49
LA-A335 NEWSWEEK/EXTRA, Summer 1998; AFI 100 best films, #5 Lawrence of Arabia, photo pg 99
LA-A337 WIDESCREEN REVIEW, January 1999; article on 70mm
LA-A338. AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, March 1999; Best Shot Films 1950-1997, #1 (Freddie Young)
LA-A339 THE BIG REEL, October 1999; article on viewing recent 35mm print
LA-A340 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, November 27 1999; article on Esther Harris who made film trailers
LA-A341 ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: The 100 Greatest Movies Of All Time, January 2000; #18
LA-A342 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, March 9 2000; Classic Film Scenes To Go On The Net
LA-A343 THE GLOBE AND MAIL, March 27 2000; “Have brunch, then go see Lawrence of Arabia” article by David Macfarlane
LA-A344 TODAY, September 22 2000; review by Shirley Rennie
LA-A345 THE GLOBE AND MAIL, September 23 2000; review by Rick Groen
LA-A346 VARIETY, January 8-14 2001; Producers Pick Their Fave Pic
LA-A347 VARIETY, April 2-8 2001; DVD review by Derek Elley
LA-A348 LOS ANGELES TIMES, April 7 2001; interview with Peter O’Toole by Susan King
LA-A349 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, April 7 2001; John Box Chooses Top Five Film Epics, Lawrence is #1, Doctor Zhivago is #4
LA-A350 WHO, April 9 2001; ad for DVD release
LA-A351. DVD VISION, May 2001, Special Editions – Lawrence of Arabia, Includes DVD “In love with the Desert”
LA-A352 LOS ANGELES TIMES, May 2 2001; DVD review by Michael Sragow
LA-A353 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, June 5 2001; obituary for Anthony Quinn
LA-A354 THE INDEPENDENT, June 5 2001; obituary for Anthony Quinn
LA-A355 THE GUARDIAN, June 5 2001; obituary for Anthony Quinn
LA-A356 THE INDEPENDENT, April 3 2002; B.F.I. to have new home, collection includes new print of Lawrence Of Arabia
LA-A357 THE SUNDAY TIMES, April 7 2002; article on Michael De Carvalho (Ferraj)
LA-A359 THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW, August 13 2002; The Ten Best Epic Films To Rent by Roger Clarke
LA-A360 THE INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY/TALK OF THE TOWN, March 2 2003; interview with Peter O’Toole
LA-A361 THE TORONTO STAR, March 15 2003; article on Lowell Thomas by Bob Morris and Lawrie Raskin
LA-A362 ACADEMY QUARTERLY REPORT, Vol 15, first quarter 2003; Peter O’Toole to receive honorary Oscar
LA-A363 EMPIRE & THE INDEPENDENT: The Ten Most Influential Action Films Of All Time, May 2003; pg.26
LA-A364 EMPIRE & THE INDEPENDENT: The Ten Most Influential Action Films Of All Time, May 2003; Lawrence-The Mirage Scene pg. 34
LA-A365 THE INDEPENDENT/REVIEW, May 6 2003; article by John Walsh
LA-A366 THE SUNDAY TIMES/BOOKS, n.d.; review of Public Places: The Autobiography of Sian Phillips
LA-A367 THE LOS ANGELES TIMES BOOK REVIEW, July 27 2003; review Of Public Places
LA-A368 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH/ARTS & BOOKS, August 9 2003; Irvin Kershner on David Lean’s Lawrence Of Arabia
LA-A369 THE EYE, September 6-12 2003; DVD review
LA-A370a A370b UNKNOWN, n.d.; DVD review
LA-A371a A371b DVD REVIEW, n.d.; DVD review
LA-A372 THE SUNDAY TIMES, December 6 2003; ad for Battle For The Arab World
LA-A373 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH/TELEVISION & RADIO, December 6-12 2003; T.E. Lawrence on cover, documentary-Lawrence of Arabia: The Battle For The Arab World
LA-A374 THE INDEPENDENT, December 15 2003; review of Battle For The Arab World
LA-A375 BRITISH CINEMATOGRAPHER, #6, n.d.; Desert Island Flicks
LA-A376 VERONICA, April 2 2004; interview and photo of Omar Sharif (Netherlands)
LA-A377 TORONTO STAR, May 14 2004; article on Peter O’Toole
LA-A378 VERONICA, May 28-June 3 2005; TV review, Netherlands
LA-A379 DAILY TELEGRAPH, July 12 2004; Jeffrey Katzenberg Talks To Serena Davies About David Lean’s Lawrence Of Arabia
LA-A380 HAAGSCHE COURANT, August 16 2004; Lawrence Of Arabia voted best British film, Netherlands
LA-A381 TREAD 5, ? 2005; Desert Island Flicks, short review
LA-A382 THE OBSERVER, November 27 2005; book reviews, large photo from film
LA-A383 LITERATURE/FILM QUARTERLY, Vol 33, no 4, 2005; article by Laurence Raw
LA-A384 LOS ANGELES TIMES, September 11 2006; article on Peter O’Toole by Patrick Goldstein
LA-A414. L’AVANT-SCENE CINEMA, October 2006; articles, reviews, script (in French)
LA-A385 THE OBSERVER, January 21 2007; article on Peter O’Toole by Gaby Wood
LA-A386 EVENING STANDARD, January 23 2007; article on Peter O’Toole by Nick Curtis
LA-A387 LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 7 2007; article on Michael Wilson
LA-A388 CINEASTE, Fall 2007; article “Righting A Wrong; Paul Jerrico And The Correction Of Blacklist-era Screen Credits” by Larry Ceplair, photo from the film
LA-A389 CINEASTE, Fall 2007; photo from the film
LA-A390 THE OBSERVER, January 20 2008; DVD review, xerox
LA-A391 PER SE, De Pers Op Zaterdag, March 22 2008; review by Magchiel De Haan, Netherlands
LA-A392 UNKNOWN, n.d.; article on Omar Sharif by Caroline Scott
LA-A393. EMPIRE, November 2008; The 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time, Lawrence is #57, cover and article
LA-A394 THE INDEPENDENT, November 21 2008; article “France Forgets Giants Of British Cinema” by John Lichfield, photo from film
LA-A395 CINEASTE. Vol.XXXIV No2, Spring 2009; article “The editing Of Lawrence Of Arabia: An Interview With Anne Coates”, by Gary Crowdus
LA-A396 UNKNOWN, May 24 2009; TV review by Edward Porter
LA-A397 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, August 1 2009; article on Peter Newbrook re mirage scene
LA-A398 UNKNOWN, n.d.; article
LA-A399 UNKNOWN, n.d.; article
LA-A400 THE TELEGRAPH, January 16 2010; article on T.E. Lawrence by Rory Stewart, ad for film
LA-A401 THE EVENING STANDARD, February 1 2011; article on Omar Sharif
LA-A402 THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 30 2012; article on digital restoration by Fred Kaplan
LA-A403. THE HERALD (ARTS), October 13 2012; cover and article by Alan Morrison on 50th Anniversary re-release
LA-A404 THE MAIL ON SUNDAY, November 11 2012; article on Michel De Carvalho
LA-A405 THE GUARDIAN, November 16 2012; interview with Omar Sharif by Stuart Heritage
LA-A406 CINEASTE, Spring 2013; article on new digital restoration by Gary Crowdus
LA-A407 AD Den Haag, December 16 2013; obituary for Peter O’Toole
LA-A408 THE INDEPENDENT, December 17 2013; obituarys for Peter O’Toole
LA-A409 THE SUNDAY TIMES, December 22 2013; obituary for Peter O’Toole
LA-A410 CINEMA RETRO, Winter 2013; interview with Grover Crisp on digital restoration by Lee Pfeiffer
LA-A411 THE SUNDAY TIMES, November 30 2015; TV ad, Film Of The Week
LA-A412 TORONTO DAILY STAR, October? 2016; article on digital restoration by Jason Gorber
LA-A413. CINEMA RETRO Special, August 2018; cover and 16 pg article
LA-A415 UNKNOWN, n.d.; article on filming mirage scene xerox
LA-A416. BRITAIN AT WAR, June 2021; article by John Peaty
LA-A420 UNKNOWN, n.d. magazine photo collection
LA-A421. VERONICA, March 11-17 2023; review
DL-A289 DICINE, July 1991; Lawrence Of Arabia on cover, article on David Lean
LA-M104 SCRAPBOOK with clippings, 24 pgs, 1971, NETHERLANDS