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DL-A154 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, April 1993; article on REX INGRAM by Ian Graham

DL-A155 SIGHT AND SOUND, August 1993; schedule for a David Lean season

DL-A156 CAMDEN NEW JOURNAL, August 19 1993; article on Alan Hayman who knew David Lean

DL-A157 THE TIMES MAGAZINE, October 23 1993; cover and article “Heat and Lust” by Adrian Turner

DL-A158 THE TIMES MAGAZINE, November 13 1993; letter re Adrian Turner article, (DL-A157), xerox

DL-A159 THE PERFECT VISION, Spring 1994; interview with Oswald Morris on David Lean editing CinemaScope

DL-A287 BROADCAST WEEK, January 1-7 1994; Dieppe, TV drama, Noel Coward played by Jim Mezon, David Lean played by Michael Anderson, Jr., (see WS-Y12)

DL-A160 SUNDAY TIMES/STYLE AND TRAVEL, April 10 1994; article on Lean’s Sun Wharf house by Hugh Pearman, xerox

DL-A161 THE INDEPENDENT, April [?] 1994; article on Lean’s Sun Wharf house by David Lister, xerox

DL-A162 THE TIMES/PROPERTY, April 20 1994; article on Lean’s Sun Wharf house by Huon Mallalieu, xerox

DL-A163 WH, April 1994; article on Lean’s Sun Wharf house by James Fallon, xerox

DL-A164 INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS, April? 1994; article on Lean’s Sun Wharf house by Chris Hughes

DL-A165 ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST, December 1994; article on Sandra Lean’s house in Provence

DL-A166 THE SUNDAY TIMES, April 23 1995; readers’ top ten directors

DL-A167 THE TIMES, August 6 1995; article on Lean’s Sun Wharf house, xerox

DL-A168 DAILY MAIL, September 23 1995; article by Christopher Hudson, xerox

DL-A169 EVENING STANDARD, November 27 1995; Connery turns down David Lean home

DL-A170 LASERVIEWS, January-February 1996; “David Lean: The Intimate Epic”, article on laserdiscs

DL-A171 CINEASTE, vol xxii, no.2, 1996; “The Films of David Lean on Laserdisc”, by Gary Crowdus

DL-A172 THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH MAGAZINE, March 11 1996; article on photographer John Deakin, photo of Lean

DL-A173 CINEASTE, vol xxii, no.3, 1996; ad for Kevin Brownlow book “David Lean: A Biography”

DL-A174 RADIO TIMES, April 13-19 1996; TV reviews coinciding with Kevin Brownlow book launch

DL-A175 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, April 13 1996; “David Lean’s Desert Storm” extract from Brownlow book, (see also DL-A179)

DL-A176 DAILY EXPRESS, April 19 1996; article on Sandra Lean by David Lewin, (see also DL-A177)

DL-A177 INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS, April ? 1996; article on Sandra Lean by David Lewin, (see also DL-A176)

DL-A178 THE BOOKSELLER, April 26 1996; “The man who loved film”, review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A179 SUNDAY INDEPENDENT, April 28 1996; “David Lean’s Desert Storm” from Brownlow book, (see DL-A175)

DL-A180 SUNDAY INDEPENDENT, April 28 1996; review of Brownlow book by Hugh Leonard

DL-A181 SUNDAY TIMES, April 28 1996; “Failing to get the picture” review of Brownlow book by Gilbert Adair, xerox

DL-A182 EVENING STANDARD, April 29 1996; “The sexual paradox of a cinema god”, review of Brownlow book by Alexander Walker

DL-A183 SUN-SENTINEL, MAY ? 1996; review of Brownlow book by Bill Kelley, xerox

DL-A184 THE TIMES, May 4 1996; “What drove the Lean machine?”, review of Brownlow book by Nicholas Wapshott, xerox

DL-A185 DAILY EXPRESS, May 4 1996; “Close-up of an epic film genius”, review of Brownlow book by Sheridan Morley, xerox

DL-A186 DAILY MAIL, May 4 1996; “The epic love life of David Lean”, review of Brownlow book by Quentin Falk, xerox

DL-A187 THE SCOTSMAN, May 4 1996; “The Lean machine” review of Brownlow book by Brian Pendreigh, xerox

DL-A188 SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, May 5 1996; “Movie Monster” review of Brownlow book by Gerald Kaufmann, xerox

DL-A189 SUNDAY TIMES, May 5 1996; letter to Times from Teddy Darvas re Adair review (see DL-A181)

DL-A190 THE GUARDIAN, May 10 1996; “Lean’s reel obsession”, review of Brownlow book by Charles Drazin

DL-A191 THE INDEPENDENT WEEKEND, May 11 1996; “Smouldering behind the lens” review of Brownlow book by David Puttnam, xerox

DL-A192 UNKNOWN, May 11 1996; “Burdened by unnecessary guilt”, review of Brownlow book

DL-A193 THE MAIL(ON SUNDAY), May ? 1996; “Lean times” review of Brownlow book by William Leith, xerox

DL-A194 UNKNOWN, May 17 1996; “Elusive close-up of Lean on the screen” review of Brownlow book by Tom Hutchinson, xerox

DL-A195 THE SPECTATOR, May 18 1996; “Direct and rule our hearts”, review of Brownlow book by Christopher Hampton, xerox

DL-A196 THE OBSERVER REVIEW, May 19 1996; “Cutting room flaws” review of Brownlow book by Philip French

DL-A197 THE SUNDAY TIMES, May 19 1996; letter to the editor from Kevin Brownlow re Kaufmann review (see DL-A188)

DL-A198 INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY REVIEW, May 19 1996; “Taken as wed”, review of Brownlow book by Robin Buss

DL-A199 NEW STATESMAN, May ? 1996; “Empire of the senses” review of Brownlow book by Jeffrey Richards, xerox

DL-A200 GLASGOW HERALD, May ? 1996; “Loving and leaving in the Lean years”, review of Brownlow book by William Russell, xerox

DL-A201 THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, June 14 1996; “The big picture” review of Brownlow book by Philip Kemp

DL-A202 THE TIMES HIGHER, June 28 1996; “Blithe cutting spirit”, review of Brownlow book by Mamoun Hassan

DL-A203 EMPIRE, July 1996; review of Brownlow book by Patrick Humpries

DL-A204 THE TABLET, July 20 1996; “wedded to the cinema” review of Brownlow book by Tom Aitken, xerox

DL-A205 PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, July 29 1996; review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A206 STAGE SCREEN & RADIO, July/August 1996; “Lean and foolish knight”, review of Brownlow book by Roy Fowler, xerox

DL-A207 THE OBSERVER, August 4 1996; comments on Brownlow book by Don Boyd, xerox

DL-A208 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, August 21 1996; interview with Sandra Lean by Elizabeth Grice

DL-A209 ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY, September 1996; review of Brownlow book by L.S.Klepp, xerox

DL-A210 EMPIRE, September 19 1996; mini-review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A211 UNKNOWN, September 27 1996; Swedish review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A212 OREGONIAN, October 1 1996; “Author offers the skinny on director Lean”, review of Brownlow book by Laurence Chollet, xerox

DL-A213 SARASOTA HERALD-TRIBUNE, October 4 1996; review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A214 L’UNITA, November 5 1996; “Lean, fallito da kolossal”, Italian review of Brownlow book by Alberto Crespi, xerox

DL-A215 THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, November 10 1996; review of Brownlow book by Diane Jacobs, xerox

DL-A216 LA TIMES, November 24 1996; “Final cut”, review of Brownlow book by Gavin Lambert, xerox

DL-A217 DAILY TELEGRAPH, November 30 1996; mini-review of Brownlow book by John Coldstream, xerox

DL-A218 THE OBSERVER REVIEW, December 1 1996; mini-review of Brownlow book by Philip French, xerox

DL-A219 SEWARD(?)STAR-LEDGER, December 15 1996; review of Brownlow book by Harry Haun, xerox

DL-A220 BOSTON GLOBE, December 20 1996; review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A221 SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, December 25 1996; review of Brownlow book by Michael Blowen, xerox

DL-A222 STAR TRIBUNE, December 29 1996; review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A223 SAN JOSE MERCURY, January 5 1997; review of Brownlow book by Michael Blowen, xerox

DL-A224 WASHINGTON POST, January 11 1997; review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A225 WASHINGTON POST, February 2 1997; letter to the editor (see DL-224) xerox

DL-A226 DGA MAGAZINE, March-April 1997; “Lean championed in a suitably epic biography”, review of Brownlow book by Lisa Mitchell, xerox

DL-A227 LASERVIEWS, May/June 1997; “Before Lawrence: the Early Films of David Lean” laserdisc reviews of In Which We Serve, Brief Encounter, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, Hobson’s Choice, Summertime, pgs 36-39

DL-A228 HARPERS & QUEEN, May 1997; article on Lean’s house in Tuscany

DL-A229 AMERICAN CINEMATOGRAPHER, June 1997; review of Brownlow book by George Turner, xerox

DL-A230 BARNES & NOBLE, mail-order magazine, July 1997; “Memory Lean”, ad for six Lean videos and Kevin Brownlow’s book

DL-A231 FABER & FABER CATALOGUE, Autumn 1997; ad for paperback release of David Lean by Kevin Brownlow

DL-A232 THE GUARDIAN, October 24 1997; “Rail life hero”, review of Brownlow book by Vera Rule, xerox

DL-A233 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH/ARTS AND BOOKS, November 1 1997; “Too Far From Home” article on Lean by Quentin Curtis

DL-A234 THE INDEPENDENT, November 1-7 1997; ad for A David Lean Season at the Barbican Cinema

DL-A235 THE GUIDE(?), November 1-7 1997; ad for A David Lean Season at the Barbican Cinema

DL-A236 CROYDON ADVERTISER, November 7 1997; article on A David Lean Season at the Barbicane Cinema

DL-A237 THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, November 9 1997; review of Brownlow book

DL-A238 NATIONAL(?), November 22 1997; review of Brownlow book also several video reviews by Rob Edelman, xerox

DL-A239 NEON, December 1 1997; review of Brownlow book by Mark Gullick

DL-A240 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY DAILY NEWS, February 8 1998; review of Brownlow book, xerox

DL-A241 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, August 14 1999; Sandra Lean home burgled

DL-A242 THE TORONTO STAR, September 26 1999; British film industry poll, Lean has 3 films in top 10

DL-A243 LES GENIES DU CINEMA, Editions Atlas, #1724, n.d.; cover, issue devoted to David Lean, 24 pgs

DL-A244 DAILY MAIL, March 31 2000; “What Book Are You Reading?”, mentions David Lean by Kevin Brownlow

DL-A245 THE INDEPENDENT, June 24 2000; article on Mary Benson, Lean’s former secretary, xerox

DL-A246 THE OLDIE, June 2001; “Out Of Sync”, Clive Donner talks about David Lean, xerox

DL-A247 THE INDEPENDENT, November 13 2001; article on Sandra Lean by Julia Smith

DL-A248 THE GLOBE AND MAIL, December 1 2001; ad For Sandra Lean Book

DL-A249 LOS ANGELES TIMES, January 13 2002; review of David Lean: An Intimate Portrait, Sandy Lean with Barry Chattington by Richard Schickel

DL-A250 HIGH LIFE, February 2002; article “Who Are The New Elizabethans?”, mentions Lean

DL-A251 DAILY MAIL, March 30 2002; article, part one, by Sandra Lean serialized from her book

DL-A252 DAILY MAIL, April 1 2002; article, part two, by Sandra Lean serialized from her book

DL-A253 THE INDEPENDENT, December 19 2002; article on editor Peter Tanner who worked with Lean, xerox

DL-A254 FILM DIENST, March 25 2003; article by Marc Hairapetian

DL-A255 THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW, August 13 2003; ad for David Lean book by Kevin Brownlow

DL-A256 CAHIERS DU CINEMA, October 2003; review of David Lean: Une Vie De Cinema, xerox

DL-A257 LIBERATION, October 17 2003; review of David Lean: Une Vie De Cinema, xerox

DL-A258 LE FIGARO, January 6 2004; review of David Lean: Une Vie De Cinema

DL-A259 WASHINGTON POST, November 19-25 2006; review of Gene D. Phillips book “Beyond The Epic” by Jonathan Yardley

DL-A260 ACADEMY, March 2008; article by Kevin Brownlow

DL-A261 THE INDEPENDENT,March 8-14 2008; Alan Parker on David Lean, Radio 4

DL-A262 TELEGRAPH REVIEW, March 15 2008; article by David Gritten on Lean’s centenary, xerox

DL-A263 THE NEW YORKER, March 31 2008; “Master And Commander: Remembering David Lean” by Anthony Lane

DL-A264 THE OBSERVER FILM QUARTERLY, May 2008; article “The Epic Legacy Of David Lean”, by Andrew Collins

DL-A265 THE INDEPENDENT, May 14 2008; article on film restoration by Chris Evans

DL-A266 THE TIMES, June 5 2008; article “Lean, My Hero” by Joe Wright

DL-A267 MOVIE MAIL, July 2008; ad for David Lean DVD’s

DL-A268 SIGHT AND SOUND, July 2008; ad for Kevin Brownlow book

DL-A269 SIGHT AND SOUND, July 2008; article by Charles Drazin on Lean’s editing and an article on the restorations by Sonia Genaitay

DL-A270 SIGHT AND SOUND, July 2008; ad by BFI on restored films screening schedule

DL-A271 SIGHT AND SOUND, August 2008; article on Lean by Nick James

DL-A272 LA TIMES, September 10 2008; UCLA screenings

DL-A274 TELEGRAPH REVIEW, November 29 2008; brief review of the David Lean Centenary DVD Collection

DL-A273 CINAMATEQUE ONTARIO PROGRAMME GUIDE, October 17-December 14 2008; article on David Lean by George Kaltsounakis and reviews of the restored films, membership ad

DL-A275 FILMHUIS MAGAZINE, December-January 2009; “Hommage Aan David Lean”, screenings of The Passionate Friends, Brief Encounter, Blithe Spirit, A Passage To India, Netherlands

DL-A276 BLACKBOOK, n.d.; Alec Baldwin is reading David Lean book by Kevin Brownlow

DL-A277 COUNTRY LIFE, June 23 2010; “David Lean’s Dream Home”

DL-A278 THE INDEPENDENT, October 25 2010; obituary for Geoffrey Foot by Tony Sloman

DL-A279 SIGHT AND SOUND, October 2010; Lean praises Richard Lester’s film Petulia, xerox

DL-A280 POSITIF, April 2015; article by John Boorman

DL-A281 THE TIMES, August 17 2019; obituary for Sandra Lean

DL-A283 SIGHT AND SOUND, December 2015; review of Melanie Williams’ book by Philip Kemp, xerox

DL-A290. RETRO, n.d.; article “A Man With Great Expectations”                      

PI-A16 SCANORAMA, December 1984-January 1985; David Lean on cover and article by Inge Hanson

PI-A64 YOU, May 6 1984; article “Lean At 76 And Still Putting Others In The Shade”