NO-A1 FILMS IN REVIEW, n.d.; mentions first Nostromo Film
NO-A2 THE GLOBE AND MAIL, August 8 1986; Lean to direct Nostromo
NO-A3 THE PERFECT VISION, ? 1990; Nostromo laboratory costs – Robert Harris fax to David Lean
NO-A4 VARIETY, February 14 1990; “standby director for Lean”, Xerox
NO-A5. AMERICAN FILM, March 1990; article on Nostromo by Harlan Kennedy
NO-A6 VARIETY, February 4 1991; “Lean’s illness causes delay”, xerox
NO-A7 LA VIE DES SPECTACLES, May 2 1991; article on Serge Silberman
NO-A8 LE FILM FRANCAIS, No, 3, AU No. 2244, n.d.; article on Serge Silberman
NO-A9 VARIETY, February 13-19 1995; article on BBC/RAI co-production
NO-A10 INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY, May 5 1996; BBC version of Nostromo
NO-A11 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, November 9 1996; article on Hampton script reading
NO-A12 THE SUNDAY TIMES, January 12 1997; article on new TV production by Nicholas Hellen
NO-A13 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, Television and Radio Guide, February 1-7 1997; cover and new TV production
NO-A14 THE INDEPENDENT, February 1 1997; article on new TV production by Steven Poole
NO-A15 THE INDEPENDENT LONG WEEKEND, February 1 1997; article on new TV production by Gerard Gilbert
NO-A16 THE INDEPENDENT, TV Guide, February 1-7 1997; TV review
NO-A17 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, February 1 1997; review of new TV production by John Whitley
NO-A18 THE INDEPENDENT TABLOID, February 3 1997; review of new TV production by Gerard Gilbert
NO-A19 UNKNOWN, TV Guide, February 6 1997; review of new TV production
NO-A20 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, February ? 1997; article on new TV production by Alison Boshoff
NO-A21 THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, May 12 2001; possibility of Nostromo to be filmed by Martin Scorcese, xerox
NO-A22 THE INDEPENDENT, April 22 2002; Martin Scorsese hopes to film Nostromo
NO-A23 THE INDEPENDENT, November 1 2003; obituary for Serge Silberman
NO A24 THE INDEPENDENT, June 13 2008; article by Chris Evans
NO-A25. FILM COMMENT, July-August 2008; article by Richard Combs, John Box art