DL-M1 Application for membership to the Association of Cinetechnicians, March 17 1938, xerox
DL-M2 SKETCH of David Lean/Kay Walsh cottage, 1940, xerox
DL-M3 TRANSCRIPT of BBC radio interview, 1941, 12 pgs, xerox
DL-M4 AUTOBIOGRAPHY, one page, xerox
DL-M5 FRAME from screen test of David Lean, xerox
DL-M168a, M168b CHRISTMAS CARD, Cineguild, 1948, xerox
DL-M6 BROCHURE of The British Film Academy, listing members, message from David Lean, April 1948, xerox
DL-M7 POEM: “David Lean” from Low’s Company, Methuen and Co, 1952, xerox
DL-M8 EXTRACT from book Current Biography, 1953 – David Lean’s biography, xerox
DL-M9 PROGRAM from National Film Theatre, honouring David Lean and Sam Spiegel, retrospective, 24 pgs, January-February 1963
DL-M10 LETTER from David Lean to Mike Frankovitch, November 7 1963, xerox
DL-M11 LETTER from David Lean to Richard Lester, October 26 1968, xerox
DL-M12 PRESS RELEASE for David Lean Retrospective by The Museum of Modern Art, 1970, 4 pgs, xerox
DL-M13 PROGRAMME for David Lean retrospective by Los Angeles County Museum Of Art, 1970
DL-M14 BROCHURE/POSTER for DAVID LEAN: A SELF PORTRAIT from Pyramid Films, 1970 (2)
DL-M15 TRANSCRIPT Of Sound On Film, Programme #10, “A Lean Portrait”, November 1970, xerox
DL-M16 LETTER from David Lean to Arthur B. Krim (United Artists) turning down “A Bullet For Charlemagne”, July 23 1972, xerox
DL-M167 BROCHURE, D.W.Griffith Award, 8 pgs, October 14 1973
DL-M17 TRANSCRIPT of interview, December 7 1984, 16 pgs
DL-M18 TRANSCRIPT of interview with David Lean by Kevin Brownlow, 114 pgs, March 16 1985
DL-M19 FAX, copy of letter from Robert Bolt to David Lean, March 18 1985
DL-M20 SCHEDULE of Ontario Film Theatre for David Lean retrospective, November 1986-February 1987, 4 pgs (2)
DL-M21 BROCHURE/POSTER, Switzerland, CAC Voltaire cinema, Cinema Anglais: David Lean, 1987
DL-M22 LETTER from Stephen Silverman to Ron Paquet, May 10 1988
DL-M23 PRESS RELEASE, “Cannes to Honour David Lean”, May 11 1988, xerox
DL-M24 INVITATION to British Film Industry gala dinner in honor of Sir David Lean, CBE, Cannes, May 20 1988
DL-M25 AUTOGRAPH: “Ron, all best wishes, David Lean ’88”
DL-M26 LETTER from Stephen Silverman to Ron Paquet re launch of David Lean book, September 18 1988
DL-M27 PROGRAM NOTES for David Lean retrospective, Washington, D.C., by Stephen Silverman, xerox
DL-M28 TRANSCRIPT of interview with David Lean on “Nightwatch”, xerox
DL-M29 ANNOUNCEMENT of publication of DAVID LEAN, Stephen Silverman book published by Abrams, February 1989
DL-M30 AD for “David Lean” by Stephen Silverman from Abrams
DL-M31 LETTER to Stephen Silverman re DAVID LEAN book, January 16 1990, xerox
DL-M32 EXTRACT from book Current Biography Yearbook 1989, David Lean’s biography, xerox
DL-M33 LISTING in Encyclopedia Brittanica for David Lean, xerox
DL-M34 MEMBERSHIP AD, A.F.I. honoring David Lean, 1990
DL-M35 SOUVENIR BOOK, A.F.I. Tribute, 80 pgs, 1990(2)
DL-M36 NOTES by David Lean for speech at AFI Life Achievement Awards, xerox
DL-M37 FLYER, David Lean on video, JAPAN
DL-M38 PRESS RELEASES from Reuter’s, obituaries for David Lean, April 16 1991
DL-M39 TRANSCRIPT of interview with Sir Anthony Havelock-Allen from CBC Radio “AS IT HAPPENS” on death of David Lean, April 16 1991, CANADA
DL-M40 LETTER from Stephen Silverman to Sandra Lean, May 26 1991, xerox
DL-M41 INVITATION to St. Paul’s Cathedral for a Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for Life and Work of Sir David Lean, CBE, October 3 1991
DL-M42 PROGRAMME for St. Paul’s Service, October 3 1991
DL-M43 INVITATION to lunch at Sun Wharf with Sandra Lean, October 3 1991
DL-M44 STATEMENT “On Working With David Lean” by Freddie Young, May 7 1992, xerox
DL-M45 TRANSCRIPT (incomplete) from South Bank Show DAVID LEAN: A LIFE IN FILM, May 2 1992
DL-M46 PRESS PACK for the launch of the David Lean Cinema in Croydon, February 23 1995
DL-M47 NOTES taken at opening of David Lean Cinema, February 23 1995
DL-M48 CRITERION CATALOG, 1995, David Lean on laserdisc, pgs 19-20
DL-M49 ARTICLE, “Den Romantiska Lidelsen Och Samhallets Normer”, by Stefan Anderson, SWEDEN
DL-M50 BROCHURE from Richard Cohen Books for January-July 1996, citing DAVID LEAN by Kevin Brownlow
DL-M51 PRESS RELEASE from Richard Cohen Books for DAVID LEAN by Kevin Brownlow, April 1996
DL-M52 INVITATION to book launch for DAVID LEAN by Kevin Brownlow, April 18 1996
DL-M53 PROGRAMME, National Film Theatre, David Lean Films, May 1996, pg 50
DL-M54 LETTER from Kevin Brownlow to Sunday Telegraph protesting review, May 7 1996, xerox
DL-M55 LETTER from Teddy Darvas to Gerald Kaufman protesting review of book David Lean, May 9 1996, xerox
DL-M56 LETTER from Gerald Kaufman to Teddy Darvas, May 10 1996, xerox
DL-M57 LETTER from Teddy Darvas to Gerald Kaufman, May 15 1996, xerox
DL-M58 LETTER from Gerald Kaufman to Teddy Darvas, May 16 1996, xerox
DL-M59 LETTER from Eddie Fowlie to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, May 16 1996, xerox
DL-M60 LETTER from Sarah Miles to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, June 11 1996, xerox
DL-M61 LETTER from Arthur Buck to Alan Williams re Kay Walsh’s concerns re DAVID LEAN by Kevin Brownlow, June 13 1996, xerox
DL-M62 FAX from Kevin Brownlow to Richard Cohen re Kay Walsh’s concerns re DAVID LEAN book, June 18 1996, xerox
DL-M63 LETTER from Alan Williams to Richard Cohen re Kay Walsh’s concerns re DAVID LEAN book, June 18 1996, xerox
DL-M64 LETTER from Roy Fowler to Kevin Brownlow reviewing DAVID LEAN book , July 16 1996, xerox
DL-M65 LETTER from John Hearne to Kevin Brownlow reviewing DAVID LEAN book, xerox
DL-M66 LETTER from Stan Fiferman to Kevin Brownlow re error in DAVID LEAN book, August 25 1996, xerox
DL-M67 LETTER from Jay Cocks to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, September 27 1996, xerox
DL-M68 LETTER from David Chasman to Kevin Brownlow re David Lean, October 11 1996, xerox
DL-M69 LETTER from Douglas Lamberton to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, October 22 1996, xerox
DL-M70 FAX from Eileen Whitfield to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, December 10 1996
DL-M71 LETTER from Brian McFarlane to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, December 31 1996, xerox
DL-M72 LETTER from Sean Coughlin to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, February 1 1997, xerox
DL-M73 LETTER from Suzanne Vidor Parry to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, February 10 1997, xerox
DL-M74 LETTER from Paul D. Thompson to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, March 12 1997, xerox
DL-M75 LETTER from Lili Le Cain(?) to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, April 7 1997, xerox
DL-M76 LETTER from Tom Stempel to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, June 23 1997, xerox
DL-M77 PRESS RELEASE from Faber and Faber announcing upcoming David Lean Film Season, Oct 30-Nov 23 1997
DL-M78 PROGRAMME, The Film Guide, Barbican Centre, David Lean Film Season, November 1997, 8 pgs
DL-M79 SCREENING PASS admitting Kevin Brownlow to the David Lean Film Season, November 2 1997
DL-M80 LETTER from Tim Davies (Faber and Faber) to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book sales, December 3 1997, xerox
DL-M81 LETTER from Rachel Alexander (Faber and Faber) To Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book reviews, December 3 1997, xerox
DL-M82 LETTER from Brian Llewelyn to Kevin Brownlow re DAVID LEAN book, March 16 1998, xerox
DL-M83 PRINTOUT from AMAZON.COM, ad and reviews of DAVID LEAN book
DL-M84 INVITATION from B.A.F.T.A. to attend opening of THE DAVID LEAN ROOM, March 25 1999
DL-M87 INTERNET AD for DAVID LEAN book by Howard Maxford, 2000
DL-M88 LETTER from Howard Maxford to Kevin Brownlow, January 11 2000, xerox
DL-M89 LETTER from Adrian Turner to Kevin Brownlow, March 31 2000, xerox
DL-M90 LETTER from Janet Head to Kevin Brownlow re David Lean, February 7 2001, xerox
DL-M91 E-MAIL from Nick Nacht to Kevin Brownlow re David Lean, February 15 2001
DL-M92 ARTICLE, typewritten, “On Knowing David Lean” by Clive Donner, February 18 2001, xerox
DL-M93 LETTER from Clive Donner to Kevin Brownlow, February 28 2001, xerox
DL-M94 FAX, re short article on Sandra Lean, August 31 2001
DL-M95 LETTER from Howard Billingham to Kevin Brownlow Re David Lean book, February 15 2002, xerox
DL-M96 E-MAIL from Robert Morris to Kevin Brownlow, March 5 2002, xerox
DL-M97 NOTE, Kevin Brownlow, additional material for his David Lean book, March 18 2002
DL-M98 LETTER and CHART showing Lean/Tangye family tree and photo of most recent member: Araminta Tangye Lean Rachou, October 29 2002
DL-M99 LETTER from Steve Organ to Kevin Brownlow re website DAVIDLEAN.COM
DL-M100 ACCOUNT of Barabra Beale’s passing by Peter Beale, May 14 2003
DL-M101 E-MAILS, between Peter Beale and Kevin Brownlow re Barbara Beale’s passing, July 2003
DL-M102 LETTER, to Kevin Brownlow from Michael Ross re Sandra Lean’s book
DL-M103 PROGRAMME, Cinematheque Francaise, ad for David Lean: Une Vie De Cinema, pg 23, July-August 2003
DL-M104 FAX from Leah Panos (BFI) to Kevin Brownlow re new David Lean section on BFI website, xerox
DL-M105 NEWSLETTER, NFT, announcing new David Lean website, August 2003
DL-M106 FAX, to Kevin Brownlow from Roland Lacourbe, re French edition of David Lean book, October 16 2003
DL-M107 FAX, to Serge Toubiana from Roland Lacourbe, re French edition of David Lean book, October 16 2003
DL-M108 LETTER to Roland Lacourbe from Serge Toubiana, re French edition of David Lean book, October 21 2003, xerox
DL-M109 LETTER, to Kevin Brownlow from Jean Tacchella, re French edition of David Lean book, October 24 2003, xerox
DL-M110 LETTER, to Kevin Brownlow from Roland Lacourbe, further over French edition of David Lean book, October 24 2003, xerox
DL-M111 TRANSCRIPT, interview with Kevin Brownlow by Nigel Palmer, October 24 2003, 14 pgs
DL-M112 BROCHURE, 12e Salon Du Livre De Cinema, ad for David Lean: Une Vie De Cinema, October 25/26 2003
DL-M113 WEB PAGES, re book David Lean: Une Vie De Cinema, December 22 2003
DL-M114 E-MAIL, to Kevin Brownlow re French critics union prize
DL-M115 AWARD to Kevin Brownlow for David Lean book, January 15 2004, Xerox
DL-M116 LETTER from Catherine Gaston-Mathe to Kevin Brownlow re French translation of David Lean: A Life in Film, January 20 2004
DL-M117 TRANSLATION of review in Le Figaro for David Lean: Une Vie De Film, January 21 2004
DL-M118 LETTER from Chantal Banlier to Kevin Brownlow praising his book on David Lean, May 9 2004
DL-M119 TRANSCRIPT of interview with Kevin Brownlow over David Lean for Spanish TV, June 4 2004
DL-M120 NOTES from James Fox over Lean’s health problems, March 24 2005, 3 pgs, xerox
DL-M121 Birth Announcement, David Lean’s granddaughter
DL-M122 NOTE from Kevin Brownlow re death of Isabel Lean, January 13 2005, xerox
DL-M123 FAX from Gene D. Philips to Kevin Brownlow re review of his book by Stephen Recs
DL-M124 FAX from Gene D. Philips, review by David Thomson
DL-M125 PRINTOUT from TCM website, Gene Phillips book on David Lean coming out in November 2006
DL-M126 PRINTOUT From BFI website, David Lean As Editor by Clive Donner, December 8 2006
DL-M127 LETTER from Gene Phillips to Kevin Brownlow re number of copies of book sold, February 10 2007
DL-M128 WEB PAGES, BFI website, David Lean, 11 PGS, March 2007
DL-M129 WEB pages, David Lean Foundation website, 8 pgs, March 2007
DL-M130 WEB PAGE, bfi.org.uk, catalogue of film holdings, 1 page
DL-M131 WEB pages from Davidlean.com website, 12 pgs, March 2007
DL-M132 INTERNET PRINTOUT, SensesOfCinema.com, DAVID LEAN by Alain Silver, 16 pgs, March 2007
DL-M133 INTERNET PRINTOUT, leninimports.com, DAVID LEAN, 5 pgs, March 2007
DL-M134 INTERNET PRINTOUT, screenonline.org.uk, SIR DAVID LEAN, 3 pgs, March 2007
DL-M135 WEB PAGE, bfi.org.uk, database search results
DL-M136 PROGRAMME, BAFTA, Sir David Lean Commemoration Lunch, March 1 2008
DL-M137 BROCHURE, National Film & Television School, January-March 2008; article by Richard Combs, screenings of OLIVER TWIST and SUMMER MADNESS
DL-M138 E-MAIL from Charles Drazin to Kevin Brownlow re David Lean Conference
DL-M139 LETTER, from Tom Webber to Kevin Brownlow re potential BBC documentary on David Lean, xerox
DL-M140 DETAILS over BBC documentary “David Lean: In Search Of The Perfect Horizon”
DL-M141 PROGRAMME, provisional, for the David Lean Conference, 2008
DL-M142 WEB PAGES, Wikipedia.org, David Lean, 8 pgs
DL-M143 PUBLICITY PACKAGE, David Lean Centenary, January 24 2008
DL-M144 LETTER from L.Robert Morris to The New Yorker re possible T.E Lawrence/David Lean connection
DL-M145 INTERNET PRINTOUT, editorsguild.com, editors and directors: The Top Ten
DL-M146 E-MAIL from Vanessa B. Zachos to Kevin Brownlow re Directors Guild Trust events to mark David Lean’s centenary, April 15 2008
DL-M147 INTERNET PRINTOUT, books.guardian.co.uk, article “Unhealed Wounds” by David Thomson, May 10 2008
DL-M148 PROGRAMME GUIDE, BFI Southbank, June 2008, cover and article on Lean and newly restored films
DL-M149 INVITATION from BFI Southbank for The Lean Legacy, June 3 2008
DL-M150 LETTER from Wayne Beach to Kevin Brownlow re 3 letters fro David Lean to Bill Graf, June 30 2008
DL-M151 LETTER from Dan Leab to Kevin Brownlow June 2008 re meeting Lean
DL-M152 PROGRAMME GUIDE, BFI Southbank, July 2008, cover and articles on David Lean
DL-M153 LETTER from Esther Godfrey, Blue Plaques Historian to Kevin Brownlow re erecting a plaque to David Lean July 15 2008
DL-M154 SCHEDULE, David Lean Centenary Conference, July 24-25 2008
DL-M155 PROGRAMME, Cinamateque Suisse, July-August 2008, David Lean retrospective
DL-M156 LETTER from Richard Shean to Kevin Brownlow praising Kevin’s book
DL-M157 E-MAIL from Robert Morris to Kevin Brownlow re new David Lean books
DL-M158 SCHEDULE, Barbican Centre, September 2008, David Lean retrspective, September 21-October 26 2008
DL-M159 MAGAZINE, British Academy Film Awards In 2009 – The Prequel, article “Lean Machine” by Quentin Falk
DL-M160 E-MAIL from Barbara ? to Kevin Brownlow re interview about David Lean, August 13 2009
DL-M161 BSC NEWSLETTER, October 2010; article by Ossie Morris over Alan Hume mentions working with Lean
DL-M162 BROCHURE, Bradford International Film Festival, March 16-27 2011; screenings foe The Bridge On The River Kwai, Lawrence Of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago
DL-M163 PRESS MATERIAL, for the SAVE THE DAVID LEAN CINEMA campaign, July 2011, 9 pgs
DL-M164 BROCHURE, Cinematique De Nice, December 2011, David Lean retrospective
DL-M165 INVITATION for 70mm presentation of Lawrence Of Arabia in honour of the 25th anniversary of David Leans’s death, April 17 2016