LA-X1. 23 x 17 in., colour, from book “Spectacular”, (see LA-B22)
LA-X34. 30 x 42 cm., photo/poster
LA-X2a X2b X2c X2d X2e X2f X2g X2h
11 x 14, colour, USA, lobby cards, 1962, (8)
LA-X3. 11 x 14, colour, USA, lobby card, 1962, autographed by Freddie Young
LA-X4a X4b X4c X4d X4e X4f X4g X4h
11 x 14, colour, USA, lobby cards, 1971, (8)
LA-X5a X5b X5c X5d X5e X5f X5g X5h X5i X5j X5k X5l
11 x 14, colour, USA, laminated, (12)
LA-X33a X33b 11 x 14, colour, (2)
LA-X6a X6b X6c X6d X6e X6f X6g X6h X6i X6j X6k X6l X6m X6n X6o X6p X6q
11 x 14, b/w, (17)
LA-X31a X31b X31c X31d X31e X31f X31g X31h
11 x 14, lobby cards, MEXICO, (8)
LA-X32. 9 x 11, colour
LA-X38a X38b 11.5 x 8 in. colour (2)
LA-X7a X7b X7c X7d X7e X7f X7g X7h X7i X7j X7k X7l X7m X7n X7o X7p
8¾ x 11½, colour, UK, lobbies, (16)
LA-X8a X8b X8d X8f X8g X8h X8i X8j X8k X8l X8n X8o X8p
8¾ x 11½, colour, FRANCE, lobbies, (13)
LA-X9d X9f X9l 8¾ x 11½, colour, GERMANY, lobbies, (3)
LA-X10a X10b X10c X10d X10e X10f X10g X10h X10i X10j X10k X10l X10m X10n X10o X10p X10q X10r X10s X10t X10u
9 x 11½, tinted, GERMANY, lobbies, (21)
LA-X11a X11b X11c X11d X11e X11f
8½ x 11½, colour, GERMANY, 1989, (6)
LA-X12a X12b X12c X12d X12e X12f X12g X12h X12i X12j
9½ x 13½, colour, SPAIN, lobbies, (10)
LA-X36. 8×10, colour, transparency, poster art
LA-X37. 8×10, colour, negative transparency, poster art
LA-X13. 8×10, colour, UK, front-of-house, 1962, (8)
LA-X14. 8×10, colour, USA, 1962, (10)
LA-X15. 8×10, colour, UK, front-of-house, 1971, (8)
LA-X16. 8×10, colour, USA, 1971, (12)
LA-X17a X17b X17c X17d X17e X17f X17g X17h
8×10, colour, various, (18)
LA-X18. 8×10, b/w, autographed by Peter O’Toole, (1)
LA-X35. 8×10, b/w, matted with autograph by Peter O’Toole
LA-X19. 8×10, b/w, (130) [too many images to display]
LA-X20 8×10, b/w, xeroxes, (40)
LA-X21. 8×10, b/w, re-release, 1989, (11)
LA-X22. 8×10, b/w, autographed by John Box
LA-X28. 7×9.5, b/w, (3), from Cannes presskit 1989, see LA-M93
LA-X23. 4×6, shooting locations in Spain taken in 2001, (3)
LA-X24. 4×6, colour, frame from Albert Finney Screentest
LA-X25 4×6, colour, poster photos, (56)
LA-X30. 4×6, colour, production still, xerox
LA-X26 11 x 17 in., film frame blow-ups (13)
LA-X27 11 x 17 in., photo blow-ups (4)
SEE ALSO: slide section
LA-U1 poster images (19)
LA-U2 from film, colour (7 + 7 dupes)
LA-U3 David Lean and Sam Spiegel, b/w
LA-U4 David Lean, Sam Spiegel, Omar Sharif, Peter O’Toole, b/w
LA-U5 production still, colour
LA-M81. PRESS KIT, Cannes, May 1989, brochure, 24 pgs, 3 b/w stills, FRANCE
LA-M129 FILE, Columbia Pictures, synopsis, ad mat, b/w photo, 1991